I really liked the book because of how they described the setting, how they told about Max who never had a friend, one day found a friend, Freak, Freak was a friend that helped him every time, like when they need to escape Tony D and his gang, a friend who helped him study, but died , and last of all I liked how they started and ended the book by Max writing about Freak The Mighty. My favorite character in the book was Freak/ Kevin, I chose this person as my favorite character because he was an intelligent boy and a friend who helped his best friend, Max, know the thing he knew about the world and especially about King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.
I think the events in this book could really happen because like for example there could be a dumb kid who finds a friend who helps him get smart, or there could be a kids father who killed his wife and his kid saw him do that, he could take him to the bed and say it was a dream. Or there could be a crippled kid who came out to be a old friend of somebody like in the book Max and Freak.
The part of the book that I liked the best was when Freak had just moved near to Max' house, and Freak was telling the movers what to do with the box with the computer. I liked this part the most because it was kind of funny that a crippled kid was telling the mover what to do and I liked how he acted I he was the boss.
The character in this book I identify is Maxwell because when I get angry I can't control myself from hitting something, I kind-of can control it now, but part of me still remains like that. Max is also like me, like when his dad was choking Loretta Lee, he was so angry that he ripped of the rope of his hand the thing that he was tied to moved apart from its place.
I would recommend this book to my friends because I also want them to hear the story of two best friend who used their imaginations to go on quest, slay Dragons, and a friend lost his best friend. And especially about how they put Max's father in his right place, Jail.