Once upon a time,in the big,deep woods,a man lived all by himself.He had only one room and that room was his whole house:his sitting room,his bedroom,his dining room,and his kitchen.One night,while the man was sitting at the fireplace stirring his stew for supper,the most curios creature you ever did see fell-bonk!-right down the chimney.It landed on right over the man's head.The man picked up the axe and cutted the tail of the creature and the tail went straight into the stew,and the creature went back from the chimney screaming.When the creature was gone he was so........... scared he ate all the stew with the tail in one sip.When the man went to his bed he heard the creature stamping across the roof and in a angry he said Taily-po,Taily-po,give me back my Taily-po,Taily-po.He called out his dog's and told them to catch the creature,so in a while the stamping was gone.The man tried to sleep,but then he saw the creature's big green eye's ans he said Taily-po,Taily-po,give me back my Taily-po,Taily-po and then he called he his dog's and they cased him away.Now the man could not sleep,but when he closed his and the creature was on him near his nose saying Taily-po,Taily-po,give me back my Taily-po,Taily-po,he tried to call his dog's but his voice couldn't come out and then suddenly the creature lifted him upside down and then the tail of the creature and the stew came all out of him mouth and the creature was very happy and the man never saw the creature again.
I would like the reader's to tell how they liked about the story
I would like the reader's to tell how they liked about the story